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Creating a Safe Space?

In the Corporate World today there is so much talk and emphasis on “Creating a Safe Space” in the work environment that it really got me thinking about this concept and how it relates to Personal Energy Management. When I looked up the definition it stated: “a place or environment in which a person or category of people can feel confident that they will not be exposed to discrimination, criticism, harassment, bias, conflict, or potentally threatening actions, ideas, or converations." After reading this definition I strongly questioned if this is even possible, given the reality that individual perception controls so much of how someone will experience someone or something.

Learned Behaviors

I recall when I was a young girl riding bikes with by best friend and she fell down. She did not hurt herself, and when she started getting up to get on her bike again I started laughing. She then burst into tears and was very upset that I would laugh at her after this incident. I remember feeling very confused as it was not my intention to hurt my friend, and I could not understand why she was responding the way she did. I was the youngest child with two older brothers, and when we fell down that’s what we did, as long as someone was not seriously injured. On the other hand, she was also the youngest child, but she had two older sisters, and how they responded to situations like this was apparently very different. This is a perfect example of learned behaviors, and there is nothing wrong with either response. My brothers taught me to laugh, have fun, and just go with it, whereas her sisters taught her a more nurturing response. Now, I’m not disputing that the way she “perceived” the situation was very real to her at that moment. This could be considered criticism, harassment, or emotional harm, and that is where I find this attempt to “Create a Safe Space” a very slippery slope.

Personal Empowerment and Energy Management

From an energetic standpoint, if you are under the impression the world or people have to act in a certain way for you to feel good or emotionally safe, you are giving your Personal Power Away. We live in a diverse world with many cultures, belief systems, and values as well as opinions and preferences. It’s OK for people to want different things from life, express themselves differently, and perceive things differently. Personal Empowerment is being able to manage your own personal energy, regardless of the experiences and individuals you may find yourself exposed to. I’m not saying this is an easy task, nor am I asking you to deny your feelings about something that upsets you. It’s just making the best use of your Personal Energy in whatever circumstance or challenges you may find yourself in.

Creating Meaningful Moments

Creating Meaningful Moments is accepting and taking responsibility for our feelings regardless of who or what has caused us the distress, and then using our Personal Power to direct our energy in a way that brings us Well Being. This can look like Grace, Compassion, Forgiveness, Upholding your Position, Making Changes in your Life, Setting Boundaries, Growing, Learning, or Changing your Focus to an Activity that brings you Joy or Comfort. We use the experience to better define our desired outcome and how we want to feel, and then move positively in that direction. When you are able to find that Inner Place of Well Being, Strength and Love you are setting yourself up to Thrive under all circumstances.

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