We have all heard the phrase “Just go with the flow” but how does this pertain to Energy alignment? Going with the flow is going with the expansion that has come from living your life experiences. There should be a feeling of ease and grace, but it does not mean going through life like a feather in the wind. You must maintain your focus, or you may be subject to other people’s energies and agendas. When you are going with the flow you are not surrendering your will, or your desires, but you are releasing any resistance or struggle you may be experiencing. When you are not going with the flow you are pushing against the things that you feel are holding you back, or you may be trying too hard to make something happen.
What makes us think we have to try so hard?
We have all been programed to believe that hard work and effort equal results, and there is definitely some truth in that. However, if you are feeling overwhelmed it’s an opportunity to take a closer look and see how you can adjust your energy to keep up with your expansion, and become more of a vibrational match to what you are wanting to experience. Most people focus more on action because you can usually see immediate results, but when you learn to align your energy with your desires, you can connect more with the flow and enjoy the benefits of the current. Life is summoning energy through you and your job is to uncover any blocks that may be interfering and keeping you stuck in lower vibrations.
Trusting the Current
I feel the biggest challenge for most of us is to let go and trust. When you have strong focused desires there is a tendency to try and control the details and how they will unfold. Energy alignment is about maintaining the vibration of how you want to feel in the experience or desire you are wanting to manifest. There may be an infinite number of channels it can come to you through, so you do not want to limit yourself by thinking it has to come in a certain way, or by holding on to an idea of what you think may make you happy. When you realize that you are One with the Infinite Intelligence that is governing the Universe that has Unlimited Resources, you can begin to let go and allow your life to unfold in Divine Order and Amazing Grace .