Joy is one of the most positive emotions you can experience. It is allowing the Divine Energy of the Universe to flow freely through you without any resistance. It feels light, happy, and free. It’s a state we would all like to be in as much as possible but can be difficult when confronted with the daily challenges and the mishaps of life.
What does it mean to let Joy be your compass?
It means letting Joy be your Guiding Light, your North Star to keep you on your perfect path of evolution. Life is always nudging you to be more, especially when the going gets tough. Your job is to keep up with this expansion and do your best to flow this positive energy through you and into your experiences. Joy does not mean always getting what you want or needing agreement to feel good. Joy is when you are so aligned with this Divine Energy, that the getting is not so important anymore, it’s about Being.
Does this mean you have to be in Joy all the time?
Most certainly not. In fact thinking that is only going to create more pressure and discomfort. That is why Joy is your compass. You were born with this internal guidance and it’s alright for you not to like something. Your discomfort is a sign that you are disallowing this energy and not keeping up with the expansion. That is why it feels awful when you push against these things you perceive will interfere with your well-being.
How do we learn to experience more Joy?
The first step is to stop pushing against the things you don’t want. This action alone will allow more of this natural High Vibration to flow through you. Focus your time and attention on ideas and experiences that make you feel good, positive, and productive. You will then start becoming more accustomed to these positive emotions and less tolerant of lower energies. Be ok with not being Joyful all the time, life is full of twists and turns and acceptance still feels better than resistance. When you use Joy as your compass you stop searching for what you think will bring you happiness and you start following your own internal guidance and what brings you true fulfillment. We are all in a place of eternal evolution and the feeling of Joy lets you know you are keeping up with it.