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No Means Yes

When we are looking at our personal energy, we cannot say “No” to something without including it in our vibration. I am not referring to a polite no thank you, or when you have a difference of opinion, and can agree to disagree. I am talking about when you are strongly opposed to something and feeling negative emotion in your response. When we are using our personal energy to push against those experiences or people that we feel will somehow interfere with our wellbeing, we are becoming a vibrational match to the very thing we do not want to experience.

But It’s True

Just because something is “True” does not mean it is worthy of your attention or energy. You are just focusing on something that has already been created, but you are not participating in the Creative Process. Pushing against it may appear to be helping, but is it worth the drain on your energy? Could your energy be better used in a more productive way? I am not suggesting that you “Deny Reality” I am just encouraging you to “Create A New One.” And the more time and energy you are using to rationalize or justify your feelings beliefs, or situation in life, the more you are empowering the very thing you are opposed to.

Easier Said Than Done

Understanding these principles on an intellectual level can be so much easier than applying them to your life, and some subjects can be more challenging than others. Before you can “Create A New Reality” you must release your resistance and limiting beliefs that are keeping you tied to the old one. Some of the beliefs we have formed throughout our lives were in response to our experiences, and if we feel these beliefs or thought patterns are somehow protecting or serving us, we are typically not going to just be able to easily let them go. An affirmation that I find very helpful is “ I am willing to release any “attachment” I have to this belief or thought pattern that is no longer serving me.” Once a thought pattern has been established it is not going to just magically disappear, it can be triggered at any time. So your work is to release your “attachment” to it. When you have severed your connection and personal investment to it, it will no longer be easily activated in your life.

Yes Means Yes

The next step in Transforming your Energy is focusing your time and attention on the “New Reality” you would like to experience. The negative experiences in our lives give us the information we need to define what it is we want to experience. This Is The Fun Part! What is your vision? How does it feel to be living this new experience? Who is with you loving and empowering you along your journey? What gifts can you share with others to add to their joy? Life wants to express itself through you Joyfully and Abundantly, and you can feel it when you allow this Creative Energy to flow through you into your experience.

Say Yes To Life!

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